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Showing posts from August, 2022

USBi | Uji Skill Bahasa Inggrismu

 USB i | Uji Skill Bahasa Inggrismu Loading…

USBi | Uji Skill Bahasa Inggrismu

 USB i | Uji Skill Bahasa Inggrismu Loading…

Modul Junior | #4 Month

Modul Junior | #4th Month

Modul Junior | #3 Month

Modul Junior | #3rd Month

Modul Junior | #2 Month

Modul Junior | #2 Month

Modul Junior | #1 Month

Modul Junior | #1 Month

Modul Senior | #2 Month

  Modul Senior |  #2 Month

Modul Senior | #1 Month

Modul Senior | #1 Month

Final Test | #1 Month

KIO | Final Test #1 Month Loading…

Summative Test | #3

KIO | Summative Test #3 Loading…

Summative Test | #2

KIO | Summative Test #2 Loading…

Summative Test | #1

KIO | Summative Test #1 Loading…

Summative 1

  Mulai Lanjutkan Sisa waktu: 1800 detik 1 “I didn’t do anything makes him angry,” she has said to me. She has said to me that ... She has not done anything made him angry. She did not do anything made him angry. She had not done anything made him angry. She had not done anything makes him angry. 2 “Toni asked her what she had done the night before. Toni asked her,”...? What did you do last night What have you done last night What you did do last night. What you have done last night. Selesai Selamat, Anda telah menyelesaikan kuis ini. Nama Siswa: Kelas: Jawaban Benar: Jawaban Salah: Tidak Di Jawab: Nilai: Setelah Anda selesai mengerjakan kuis materi CSS, bagaimana perolehan nilai Anda? sukses atau perlu mengulang? coba lagi

Formative Test 1

  Mulai Lanjutkan Sisa waktu: 1800 detik 1 We said, “We will come again tomorrow.” We said .. ? We will come again in the next day. We would come again the next day. We would come again tomorrow. We shall come again in the next day. 2   Ronald seldom says,” I cannot help you,” to us. Ronald seldom says ... to us. He will not help us. He cannot help us. I cannot help you. He couldn’t help us 3 “We should be doing lesson 4 now,” he said. He said... They should be doing 4 lessons then. They should have done 4 lessons then. They should do lesson 4 now. They should have been doing lesson 4 then. 4 “I was ill last week,” I explained. I explained that... I had been ill last week. I had been ill last week. I have been ill the last week before. I had been ill the week before. 5 He told her, “don’t let anyone else know.” Let her not let anyone else know. He told her don’t let anyone else know. He told her don’t let someo