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Listening Task 3 | Tourist Information

Tourist Information

Tourist : Excuse me.  1……….......speak  English?

Woman : Yes, of course. 2……….. help you?

Tourist : Yes, we’ve just 3…………on holiday here. Have you 4………. map of the town?

Woman : Yes. 5…………. The tourist office is just 6…….. I’ll mark it with a cross. If you 7………….. this street here, you get to the 8…………. It’s about 5 minutes.

Tourist : Thank you. Where is the old 9……….. of the town?

Woman : 10………... You can see 11……….. narrow winding 12………., and there’s the 13………...

Tourist : How long would it take to 14………… there?

Woman : About 10 or 15 minutes. The 15………… way from here is to turn left and go 16………….along the road until you 17……….. the bus station, and then turn 18…………

Tourist : Is there a 19……………. as well as a 20……………?

Woman : Yes. The train station is here on 21…………. of the town. I’ll just get you some 22…………... (pause and rustling) 23……… you have a train 24…………, and one for the buses.              

Tourist : Thanks very much. Do you have any 25………. about things to do in 26………….?

Woman : Yes, of course. Over there we’ve got 27…………about local 28…………. And this free 29……….. here tells you what’s on this 30…………. It has information about 31…………, 32…………., 33………………. etc.

Tourist : That looks very 34……………., thank you.

Woman : There are also 35…………. guided 36………… you can take from 37………. There’s a 38………….. tour of the old 39…………. It takes a 40………… of hours and is very 41…………... And then there are 42…………… tours. There’s one which takes you round the 43………….. in this area. I don’t know if you know that this 44………… is famous for its 45…………...

Tourist : No, I didn’t. 46………….. we need to book in 47…………..?

Woman : Yes, for the coach 48…………. you need to book at 49………..a day in advance, and you 50……… that from here. For the 51………….. tour you just turn up 52…………..this office at ten o’clock in the morning on 53……………. Or 54…………….

Tourist : Right, well, thank you very 55……….. You’ve been most 56………….

Woman : 57…………. I hope you 58……………. your stay here and if you need to 59…………. Anything else, feel free to 60………….

Score Scales:

9 - 10           : Very Good

7 - 8             : Good

1 - 6             : Repeat Again

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